Flutterwave and Acquired.com team up to facilitate Remittance to Africa

Flutterwave, a big fintech company in Africa, teamed up with Acquired.com, a payment processing expert, to make it easier for people to use their Send App.

This app helps people in the UK and EU send money to Africa. With Acquired.com’s help, the app will now process payments faster and more securely.

Mark Johnson, who works at Acquired.com, said they worked closely with Flutterwave to make sure the app meets the needs of African customers.

They studied the problems and gave advice to help Flutterwave improve how they collect money and make their customers happier. They’re excited to keep helping Flutterwave grow.

Flutterwave’s Send App lets people send money quickly and safely to local banks and mobile wallets in Africa. By working with Acquired.com, the app will be even better for users.

Acquired.com also helped Flutterwave improve how they process payments. They studied the data, gave advice, and set up smart systems to make paying easier for users. This partnership made the whole process smoother for everyone involved.

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